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50-hour Teacher Training course in Yoga Chakras

Welcome to this course open to everyone, beginners and more advanced yoguis. A holistic, sensitive and energetic journey through our main chakras 19-20-21 and 26-27-28 MAY in Brussels

Certificación Yoga Alliance
Certificación Yoga Alliance


I would like to join!


A holistic, sensitive and energetic journey through our main chakras.

We will look at the purpose and philosophy of each chakra, and see how each one can be used for personal and spiritual growth. You will learn the role of each chakra in the emotional, physical, mental and energetic bodies.
Our study of the main chakras will help to know what energy is unbalanced or blocked and how to balance the chakras, in the mat and outside the mat.
We will use the following techniques during the master course: yoga, meditation, somatic movement, hatha flow, breathing, yoga nidra, restorative yoga, mantras, rituals and gifts from Mother Nature (plants, flower essences, etc.).


The course will deepen your spiritual practice and knowledge about the main energy centres.

19-20-21 and 26-27-28 May 2023 in Brussels

Fridays- 18.00-20.00
Saturdays and Sundays- 10.00-18.30 (break 13.00-14.00)
Place. Av. Van Volxem 1190 Forest

19-20-21: Introduction, 1st and 2nd chakras
26-27-28: 3
, 4, 5, 6, 7 and Bindu chakra.

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Course content


  • What are the chakras and how to know there is an imbalance.

  • What is the aura and the different bodies

  • What are the nadis, how to unblock and purify them.

  • The bandhas and their importance for the balance of the chakras

  •  The benefits of pranayama

  • The student's mantra

  • The bija mantras

  • The aura breath

  • The purpose and philosophy behind each chakra as a tool for personal and spiritual growth.

  • Positive affirmations, foods, plants, flower essences for each chakra

  • Mudras and meditation specific to each energy centre

  • Asanas and conscious movement specifically for each chakra

  • Restorative asanas for each chakra

  • Suggestions to balance the chakra in your daily life.

  • What is the Sankalpa?

  • Yoga nidra focused on deep rest to restore and balance all chakras.



Each participant will have a booklet to support the content of the course. The booklet will serve as a quick guide so that you can refer to it whenever you need it. Here you will find the relationship between emotions, physical ailments and how to balance that energy with the help of yoga, meditation and our great friend, Mother Nature.


Each participant will receive audio files of yoga nidra, recorded in high quality to take them home and practice at any time.These yoga nidras are focus on each chakra.


In this course we will talk about plants, esential oils and flower essences mainly from Bach to support our fisical, mental and emotional health.

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At the end of the training, you will be able to


Aknowledge the different bodies, and understanding the relationship between the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies.


Know how to identify which chakra is most commonly out of balance and implement a plan of action to balance it.


Identify the yoga postures and breathing exercises that will balance each chakra.


Knowing which emotions are connected to each chakra and how to cope with them.


Create chakra-focused and specialised sequences and classes for each person who needs specific physical and/or energetic benefits.


Support you and your patients or students with other tools to live a fuller and happier life.


  • You are practicing yoga and want to know more about Yoga Chakras.

  • You want to learn in a sensitive, compassionate, non-competitive environment.

  • You want to live healthier, happier and better.

  • You are looking for a yoga course that allows you to add CEP hours to your Yoga Alliance membership.

  • You have a yoga school and want to add value to the classes you offer to your students.

  • You are looking to add a certification to your yoga teacher CV.

  • You are a teacher, therapist, coach and/or psichologist who want to learn more about yoga, meditation and yoga nidra from a therapeutic approach.


Upon completion of the course, you will receive a 50-hour certificate eligible to be registered with Yoga Alliance as CEPs, according to their requirements.

Certificación Yoga Alliance
Certificación Yoga Alliance

Isabel Dominguez Garcés

Experienced Yoga Teacher E-RYT500 Yoga Alliance

I have been trained in yoga, meditation and different body therapies for more than 20 years and I keep learnin everyday. I consider the study of yoga as a therapy is so extensive that it is a life's work.

I have studied in different countries Scotland, India, Belgium and Spain.  In 2014 I had two operations that led me to have to adapt my practice and so I delved into the teachings of the powerful law of least effort. A path of acceptance, responsibility and a lot of letting go.
My first yoga training was in 2008 and since then I have continued to explore the balances between the physical body/mind, the emotional body and the energetic body.  I believe that each of us needs to adapt the practice of healing through the body in a different way, but we can all rely on certain guidelines.


Curso de Yoga Chakras con Isabel
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Les cours de Isabel ont renforcés ma guidance intérieure, et la capacité de prendre distance et apaiser les influences de l’extérieur. Avec des poèmes et des jeux avec des conseils personnels et philosophiques, elle nourrit nos besoins spirituels. Elle prend soin d’une ambiance sereine, avec de la musique à l’arrière-plan. Avec ses années d’expérience, elle est une référence pour la philosophie du Yoga et cette façon de vivre. Avec aisance et intelligence elle répond aux questions individuelles. Grace à ses cours, je suis devenue une personne plus forte, émotionnellement. Et je vais encore m’épanouir.’ »


I would like to join in!


You can register now by paying the total course price of 522 euros. If you want to have the diploma to get the 50 hours for your Yoga Alliance you  will need to submit a paper at the end of the course. This consists of explaining the results obtained with two students as private lessons. You will have to apply the tools offered during the course. I will give you all the information about this assignment once you register for the course. You will need to pay 100 euros extra on the day to get the CEPs continuing Education Programme of Yoga Alliance.


Balance your energy centers

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